What To Do If You’re Living in Your Office

Post Category : Lending


Were you the person who wrote that article for the online magazine Salon a few weeks ago? You know, it was the article about the Los Angeles man who was secretly living in his office for almost two years.

He called himself “Terry K.” in the article, but he said that wasn’t his real name…although I think when I’m done writing this, I’ll go check the recent applications at Evoque Lending as see if we have any from a guy with the first name of Terry and a last name that starts with the letter “K.”

While I don’t think we’ve had Terry come through our doors yet, I know that we have served a lot of people who are in a similar situation. Terry is one of the thousands in the Los Angeles and Orange County area who are rebelling against the ridiculously high rents here. With an average rent of $1,300 per month, L.A. is one of the most expensive rental markets in the country.

A better idea

Terry’s solution was to sneak around and live in his office, and I salute him for his willingness to get creative to solve his problem. However, let me suggest another creative solution – a loan through Evoque Lending that will get you into a home where you’re building equity, not the wealth of some anonymous landlord. Plus, once you join the homeowner’s club, you get to enjoy all the tax benefits that the IRS offers – like writing off your mortgage interest year after year.

Southern California and the San Francisco Bay Area are full of people who have enough income to purchase a place to live, but credit reports that prevent them from getting approved for a conventional loan. At Evoque Lending, we can solve this problem. We can approve shorter-term, interest-only loans that pave the way for these buyers to get the homes they’re looking for.

We aren’t concerned about a credit score. If you have sufficient income to make your payments, and you’ll have enough equity in the property you want to purchase, we can usually get you the money you need to make it happen.

Sounds a whole lot better than living in an office, doesn’t it?

World-class customer service

Let me give you a few more details on the way we do business at Evoque Lending. First, I want you to know that we’ve been doing this for well over 15 years. We have experience and a long list of satisfied clients. There’s nothing more fulfilling than helping people own their first home. It is truly their most important step toward financial security and independence.

And because we have been issuing hard money loans and First Trust Deeds on Orange County real estate, Los Angeles real estate and San Francisco area real estate, we know that buyers usually need to move fast. The good deals don’t last long on the market.

We can get you approved in one day and we fund loans, on average, in seven days. That time frame is exactly what the California real estate market demands.

Get more information today

There’s a lot more I can tell you, but it would be far better if you sent me the details of your situation in an email or picked up the phone and gave me a call. That way I can answer any questions you have and let you know exactly how we can help in your situation.

As you know and as I said above, moving quickly is important in California, so please contact us today.